Big things come in small packages and the Olympus E-pl5 Pen Lite is diffidently a small but powerful camera. I’ll be using it for most of the video and photos you see on this blog. I’ve only had it for about a week and so far I love. The AF is wicked fast and is has a more improved sensor than the epl-1 thru epl-3 . Below are some positives and some negatives about this camera. Watch video footage here: Olympus elp-5 lite
Things I do like:
- Sturdy metallic body
- Small body (almost small enough to put in your pocket)
- Interchangeable lens
- High ISO (Great for low light situations)
- Touch screen auto focus and menus
- Internal filters for post editing
Things I don’t like:
- Only 1 memory card slot
- Not weather sealed
- No mic input
- No mic volume control when recording
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