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Henry’s Tavern X Seattle Gents

November 7, 2017

Seattle Gents // Henry’s Tavern from Keanu Kees on Vimeo.

Henry’s Tavern X Seattle Gents

The Seattle Gents ( @SeattleGents ) met up for an excellent happy hour experience at Henry’s Tavern Bellevue. It was good night to catch up with new and old faces. Chef Sean Borst, personally came out to serve us street tacos, gourmet sandwiches and waffle fries with gorgonzolas sauces and more. Woo! Needless to say, it was good night to kick back with the fellas.

Bulk of images taking by Soul breathing Photography

Blog, Entertainment, Food, Life, Travel

Baseball in Japan with Ambassadors Japan

May 25, 2017
Ambassadors japan

Baseball in Japan

Hanshin Tigers
Hanshin Tigers
Ambassadors Japan

Cultural differences: Japanese baseball versus American baseball

(Yakult Swallows vs Hanshin Tigers )

Ah! Ambassadors Japan took me to see my first Japanese Baseball League game. I’ve been waiting to witness a professional Japanese Baseball League game since I collected baseball cards. Not only was I absolutely overwhelmed to enjoy Japan’s #1 sport but also I was excited about doing something somewhat rare for foreigners. In some ways, my pictures don’t give the match much justice but I’ll try to describe the game the best I can.

Let’s talk some cultural differences you might find during a Japanese baseball game versus an American baseball game. Most stadiums in the U.S. offer food staples like hot dogs, popcorn, fries or wings. At Japanese games you’ll find foods like takoyaki, udon soup, hot dogs or delicious katsu curry. Oh, did I mention there is a professional cheering section keeping the energy up during the game? The enthusiasm of this section is off the charts. If I had to compare it to anything I’d say the energy is something close to a U.S. college football or an English premier soccer match. Each cheer squad is constantly blowing trumpets, clapping cheer bats and banging on drums to support their team. Not only does each team have its own song, but also each player has his own chant. Woo, that’s a lot of singing! In the end, the Tigers won 7-1.

If you’d like more information about Japanese culture please visit Ambassadors Japan

Food, Travel

Quick stop for pancakes in Harajuku

May 3, 2017

Quick Stop For Pancakes in Harajuku 

Today I made a quick stop at Sunny Store & Cafe in harajuku for some of their fluffy pancakes. Pancakes have been really trendy over recently years in Tokyo. Culturally in Japan pancakes are consumed more like a dessert than breakfast. Sunny store & cafe’s menu is pretty simple; pancakes with strawberries, French toast with ice cream, Marshmallow lattes and bubble shakes. All choices will satisfy your sweet tooth.  

Blog, Fashion, Food, Life, Travel

Goldfinch Tavern’s Weekend Brunch

October 29, 2016
Goldfinch Tavern

Goldfinch Tavern’s Weekend Brunch

Some of Seattle’s best style enthusiasts were invited to experience Goldfinch Tavern’s weekend brunch at the luxury Four Season Hotel Seattle and oh man, what a meal!. The brunch buffet is packed full of sweet and savory delights that will give you life. I would highly recommend this brunch because of it’s beautiful waterfront backdrop, unlimited mimosas and central location of downtown Seattle. Search for the hashtag #SeattleGents on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook for more details.

If you enjoy men’s fashion or lifestyle, make sure you follow these Seattle Gents on Instagram – (Top image left to right) @Antoniocdsmith @suitedsoor @a.model.citizen @getweigewithit @richardmeharry @nelson_yong @hector_diaz_mtz @anthonyujr @phnk @curtisbright

Blog, Food, Travel

What is Fika?

July 18, 2016

fika , sweden

What is Fika?

When you travel to Stockholm you’re going to see the word ‘Fika’ pasted on coffee shops and cafes all around the city, but what does it mean? Fika, is slang for coffee break. The act of Fika generally includes a cup of coffee, possibly conversation and a snack; which includes sandwiches or pastries. You may might not believe this, but Sweden is ranked 3rd in coffee consumption per capita. Coffee choices can be found virtually anywhere around the city, so after a bit of research, I settled on Fabrique Stenugnsbageri, as my first place to have Fika. This place has excellent pastries. I would recommend ordering the cinnamon bun and latte for your first go. 

Blog, Food, Travel

Eating in Corktown, Detroit

April 6, 2015

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corktown detroit

West of Downtown Detroit you’ll find the up and coming area of Corktown. The good people at Visit Detroit guided me through this historic area and helped me discovered some delicious hot spots.

Before I get into the hot spots, let me tell you a bit of Corktown history. Corktown is Detroit’s oldest neighborhood and has been established since 1834. The area received its name from the Irish settlers which were primarily from County Cork, Ireland. Although the neighborhood contains tons of newer developments, it still retains some of its original Irish flare.

You can find notable restaurants like Ottava Via, Slows BBQ and Astro Coffee by driving along Michigan Avenue, but some eateries are located in more secluded areas. Green Dot Stables is not on Michigan Avenue but is worth the drive to locate. Green Dot is known for it’s delicious $2 — $3 dollar sliders and horse racing aesthetic. Every week the restaurant chooses a special mystery meat slider. This week’s special slider was alligator. I wasn’t bold enough to try it but I’ve heard it was pretty good. I would suggest ordering their Fried Chicken slider with maple syrup and the Poutine. It kind of tastes like a chicken and waffles combination.

Blog, Food, Travel


January 11, 2015


Eating in Albania was interesting. The cuisine is a mixture of different cultures including Italian and Turkish foods. Here’s a video of one experience while eating in Tirana, Albania. For images of my experience check here.

Blog, Food, Travel

Tasting: The Spud Shack

December 1, 2014

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The Spud Shack

Yesterday I received a private tasting at The Spud Shack in New Westminster, BC. The Spud Shack is known for it‘s Vanfoodster award winning Poutine, but they also sell local craft beer, a variety of burgers and delicious desserts.

I was really excited about tasting the veggie burger option. The veggie burger had tons of flavor and when paired with the vegan-based gravy in the poutine, The Spud Shack menu is a vegetarians delight. The only thing I didn’t taste were the desserts but maybe I’ll save that for next time.

Other highlights include: “Eff’ing Good Burger” and the assortment of sauces.

Blog, Food, Life

Meeting Shiro Kashiba: Seattle’s Sushi Pioneer

November 3, 2014


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Today I got a chance to meet Shiro Kashiba from Shiro Sushi. Shiro Kashiba is known for awing Seattle sushi enthusiasts with his sushi mastering skills. Although he’s recently retired, Shiro demonstrated his sushi preparation and technique at the Pike Place Market’s Atrium Kitchen. During the demonstration I also received a signed copy of his book. If you’re into sushi like I am you should check it out. The book contains recipes, images and illustrations of Shiro throughout his life. Shiro: Wit, Wisdom & Recipes from a Sushi Pioneer

Blog, Food, Life

Seattle’s new foodie hub

October 30, 2014
Pioneer square

Pioneer Square has always been a tourist hot spot for t-shirts, magnets and other Seattle souvenirs but recently the area has been getting some noticeable upgrades. Dubded Seattle’s new foodie hub, PSQ restaurants like London Plane, Pizzeria Gabbiano, Quality Athletics and Caffe Umbria are really making some waves. Although I couldn’t eat everywhere, I did try out a few spots.

Peppermill Turkey, Sundried Tomatoes, Provolone Cheese, Parsley on Baguette from Caffe Umbria.

Pizzeria Gabbiano pizza sold by the kilo.

London Plane Chicken soup with thick cut bread.