5 Stockholm travel tips
1. Purchase a Stockholm Pass
Stockholm passes will give you free entry into some of Stockholm’s fantastic attractions. It also allows you to ride free boat and bus tours that take you all around the city. The Stockholm Pass can be purchased before you arrive, at Arlanda airport or Åhlens department store in the city.
2. Walk around the city
I’ve found Stockholm streets to be very walkable, clean and safe. The weather in Stockholm is very mild so it’s perfect for a Summer evening stroll.
3. Be prepared to spend money.
Stockholm is kinda pricey. You’ll pay for convince, so I would stay away from tourist areas. Newbies can be some what overwhelmed by the end of the trip and they realize they’ve spent more money than expected. Meals can cost close to $20 without beverages.
4. Be prepared to search for Swedish food in Stockholm.
I’ve found Swedish food is not the most popular cuisine in Stockholm. You’ll be more likely to see other European restaurants during your time in city. If you want to find traditional Swedish foods you’ll have to specifically look for them.
5. learn simple Swedish
Even though most Swedes know english, I feel like words like “Hej”/hey (hello) or ‘Tak’/tack (thanks) will get you a long way.
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